Opracowanie planów adaptacji do zmian klimatu w miastach powyżej 100 tys. mieszkańców

44 polskie miasta we współpracy z Ministerstwem Środowiska biorą udział w projekcie, którego celem jest przystosowanie miast do obserwowanych i prognozowanych zmian klimatu.

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ISINI conference 2018 – climate change policy

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The thirteenth international conference of the International Society for the Intercommunication of New Ideas (ISINI) will take place at the WSB University in Wroclaw, Poland  29-30 August 2018. You are invited to submit full papers or summaries that are within the scope of ISINI.

The purpose of the Society is: to foster the discovery and dissemination of new ideas, in particular in economics and other social sciences, to test these ideas and to study the application to problems of the real world. The Society aspires to realize its purpose by creating and upholding an environment where economists meet, consult and cooperate with scholars from other disciplines.

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