Development of Urban Adaptation Plans for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants in Poland

44 Polish cities, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, participate in the project aimed at adapting them to the observed and prognosed climate changes.

Learn more about the project

Our experience

  1. Klimada — a research project commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment in 2011–2013. Within Klimada, expert’s reports were developed, depicting anticipated climate changes by 2070. The project prepared also grounds for further adaptation activities in the areas and sensitive sectors indicated in SPA 2020.

  1. Adaptcity — project by Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju (Eco-development Institute) foundation, Capital City of Warsaw, Unia Metropolii Polskich (Union of Polish Metropolises) and Verband Region Stuttgart (Confederation of Stuttgart Region) carried out from 2014 to 2019. Within the said project, Warsaw as the first city in Poland initiated measures to develop the climate map and introduce a strategy to adapt to climate changes which will help to reduce the effects of climate changes in all aspects of the urban life and of the life of its inhabitants. The project task is also to promote activities aimed at adapting to climate changes in metropolis both among the authorities and administration of central cities and among the metropolitan area communes.

  1. RadomKlima — a project of the city of Radom aimed at creating urban space with improved resistance to climate changes. To that aim, a blue and green infrastructure based on the idea of adapting to climate changes will be created. Project partners include Wodociągi Miejskie w Radomiu (Municipal Water company in Radom), University of Lodz and FPP ENVIRO.

  1. Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy — a global initiative of town/city mayors and leaders, with the participation of 43 Polish cities, e.g. Wrocław, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Tarnów, Pruszcz Gdański, Częstochowa, Bielsko-Biała and Rybnik. The undertaking is aimed e.g. at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate changes. The idea was created by combining the Compact of Mayors and Covenant of Mayors. The cities participating in the project agree e.g. to report the following in public: surveys of greenhouse gas emissions, climate hazards which the city is exposed to, the objective assumed by the city to reduce greenhouse gas emission, sensitivity to urban climate changes and planned activities to counteract climate changes and promote adaptation.;