Opracowanie planów adaptacji do zmian klimatu w miastach powyżej 100 tys. mieszkańców

44 polskie miasta we współpracy z Ministerstwem Środowiska biorą udział w projekcie, którego celem jest przystosowanie miast do obserwowanych i prognozowanych zmian klimatu.

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5th Open European Day at Bonn Resilient Cities 2018

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Open European Day will be held for the fifth edition back-to-back with the Bonn Resilient Cities conference on 25th April 2018. European cities and key adaptation voices from different institutions will converge at the 5th OED to exchange and debate on the most pressing issues around climate adaptation and urban resilience. Cities have lauded previous years’ editions as inspiring and informative, particularly due to the characteristic interactive format and emphasis on exchange and discussions: the OED is PowerPoint-free zone. Audiences of between 100 and 150 participants at previous editions have been primarily made up of cities and local governments at various stages of adaptation and resilience development, including some adaptation and climate experts and professionals.

More info available here

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