Opracowanie planów adaptacji do zmian klimatu w miastach powyżej 100 tys. mieszkańców

44 polskie miasta we współpracy z Ministerstwem Środowiska biorą udział w projekcie, którego celem jest przystosowanie miast do obserwowanych i prognozowanych zmian klimatu.

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EU Green Week 2018

Szczegóły wydarzenia

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EU Green Week 2018 will explore ways in which the EU is helping cities to become better places to live and work. Showcasing policy developments on air quality, noise, nature and biodiversity, waste and water management, it will promote participatory approaches to urban development, networking schemes, and tools for sharing best practices, engaging local authorities and citizens, and encouraging them to share their vision of a sustainable future.

The week will officially open on 21/5 in Utrecht (The Netherlands) and will close on 25/5 in Madrid (Spain)The high level EU Green Cities Summit will take place in Brussels, 22-24/5. Registration for participants for the high level EU Green Cities Summit in Brussels will be open from the 1st April.

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